Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sneaky Bitches!!!

OMFG! This bitch did it. She has the staffing plan in place. What kinda bullshit game is she playing! This bitch was on vacation last week but this Monday during staff meeting she announced her staffing plan. She also said that it was approved by the CFE and the Superintendent! This sneaky little bitch submitted this shit before she went on vacation and did not say a fucking word!!! She did cut all the upper management positions, but she kept all the upper management people.

So i was not at work on Monday, August 3, 2009. So I was informed of what took place in the staff meeting from the deputy director. So i told him, "I am so glad i was not at work on Monday because i would not come the rest of the week." These sneaky motherfuckers.

Now all of a sudden my immediate supervisor wants to give me a fucking evaluation on Friday, Augutst 7, 2009. Wtf for? I have not had an evaluation since i became permanent. Wtf do i need an eval for now? Sneaky mother fucker. I hope this bitch does not try shit! I will have her ass in a fucking sling.